Saturday, November 1, 2014
Blister Node!
Another quick Blubber Busters sketch between things. A blister node inside our poor mis-cared for Space Whale.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Blubber Busters - Runner Sketch
Hi the intertubes! Another sketch for Blubber Busters just for the fun of it! More coming down the pipe soon! The team's gearing up for a BIG update soon!
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
After another long drought I'm posting again! It's been a mega busy summer. I moved back to Austin, starting doing freelance full time and married the love of my life! Here's some Blubber Busters love to get things going again :) BTW Look forward to some massive updates from the Blubber Busters team soon!
Saturday, July 19, 2014
KKG Saturday sketch - Zombie Chicken Rider!
One more submission for the KKG Artbook down the pipe! Honestly the small child zombie dudes kick my butt a whole lot more in the game than creepers.
Friday, July 18, 2014
Friday KKG Sketch: Sweet FF4 team comp!
I finished today's sketch for the KKG Artbook! for this one I did a team comp of characters from good ol' Final Fantasy 4! Only a couple days left to contribute to the effort if you're interested the internets!
Thursday, July 17, 2014
KKG Thursday sketch: KEFKA!
Here's my next sketch for this week's KKG Artbook endeavor! For FF6 I wanted to a piece of friggin' Kefka in the midst of one of his SNES laughs! I also wanted to try and keep some of the actual in game proportions. To some extent, even though he's an evil SOB, I think part of why Kefka is interesting is that he's pretty comical. And the snes proportions I think add to the joke making him little and kinda cute, lol.
Also! The artbook has been featured recently on Kotaku! Some awesome news to help generate more support for our man Kevin Griffith! Scope it out!
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
KKG Sketch AND Crayons!
Here's today's sketch for the KKG Artbook! I did the ending image for Altered Beast, YAY! Spoilers ahead rofl!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
KKG: Geno Sketch
The dead line for the KKG artbook is the 20th so I've set the goal to work up a morning sketch for them everyday this week to help out.
Today I made some Mario RPG fan art of Geno! Totally my favorite character from the game.
Today I made some Mario RPG fan art of Geno! Totally my favorite character from the game.
Monday, July 14, 2014
KKG Art Submissions!
Phew! Sorry for the drought the interwebs! I got engaged and moved to Austin, TX durring the last couple months! FREAKIN BUSY!
But today I wanted to share my submissions to the KKG art book! If you don't know about it yet, the amazing Kevin Griffith is battling cancer and the art community is pulling together to help him out. Scope out the details over here! Help support and submit your own awesome original fan art for the cause yo!
I did a set of quickies with color of Spekkio's various forms from Chrono Trigger!
I've also been doing a few sketches on the side for some of their other game groups: MK2 and Minecraft.
Back to work! :)
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Blubber Busters Stream - Parasite Varations
Lol sorry for the late notice internet! But the Blubber Busters team asked me to do a stream tonight at 6:00 PST while I work on some variants for an enemy unit in the game. If you can't hang with us, we'll make sure to have the stream saved and waiting for you at our twitch channel. :) See you guys in a few minutes

Thursday, March 27, 2014
Maybe it's the new announcements about the TMNT flick coming up, but my sketchbook needed some ninjas!
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Mail Man Process
One of the guys was asking about some of my process for painting. I figured it'd be worth sharing here as well! :)
Since the mail man piece was just for fun I didn't go though an elaborate design and planning process. I started with a sketch and put some quick quick value on it but then decided it was lame. It's sorta what i get for just going for it, but sometimes it's fun just to shoot from the hip :)
This is about as shameless as I get with my personal work at this level of finish. But this particular process gets me to near final ideas about what I want to do with color fast, and I dig that! Thanks for asking Polycount! Of course there's a million ways to do all of this, and I'm always experimenting. But I do tend to rely on some of this process more regularly.
Since the mail man piece was just for fun I didn't go though an elaborate design and planning process. I started with a sketch and put some quick quick value on it but then decided it was lame. It's sorta what i get for just going for it, but sometimes it's fun just to shoot from the hip :)
So I reposed him and drew up a new sketch. I gave him just enough shameless value to throw some color on him. I usually like to play with a mixture gradient map tools and straight up brush work, depending, just to plan out his color palette with a few ideas about his final value.
And from there its the render factory and adjusting as I go!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Georgina Monster and Textures
Yay more sketchbook! This time it's the discovery of a monster aptly named Georgina by wanderers and some texture studies. I think I'll be posting more texture studies. They're something I've been meaning to do to help me work out of some long held habits.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Fish Travelers and Chameleon Mounts
Hi the intertubes! A few more sketches to load up this evening.
Also some fun news! The guys at CGHUB gave me a spot on the editor's pick bar for a day or so! It was Garen's concept from League of Legends I did last year that got the pick. Totally a needed boost to the moral. Thanks guys!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
New Venues! Polycount and CGHUB
Hi! By way of announcement, if anyone is intrested: I'm now keeping similar updates over at Polycount and now have a CGHUB gallery for finished work. It should make it easier to find just a bunch of my finished work if that's what your looking for. Laters!
Doctor Pirate
Just some simple sketches for your face today the intertubes! I asked a little girl to name my pirate sketch. She told me his name was "Doctor Pirate." Freakin made my day! BEST NAME EVER!
There's also a little Mincraft Love here.
And Cyborg Bums of course :)
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Mouth Parts for Level 1 - Blubber Busters
Hey everyone! Here's an environment piece I've been working on for the Blubber Busters Project! It was a neat challenge and I think I've learned a ton! I'm also including some of the process images. The guys have showed of more models and even rad music from the talented Chris Christodoulou, who made mega rad music for the recently released Risk of Rain game. Have a look at all the progress on our Polycount thread.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Live Stream for Blubber Busters!
Well, some of you guys as well as some of the cool kids at polycount have been asking me to do some live streaming. Come hang out and do some art with us while I work on parasites for Blubber Busters! See you there!
7:00 pm Saturday Jan 25th
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